quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2019



I write to acknowledge the receipt of your email massage! I would appreciate if you can take your time to carefully go through my proposal and I would also appreciate if the content of this email is kept strictly confidential and respect the integrity of the information/content of this mail. I know this letter must come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends and business partners. Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must apologize for barging this message into your mail box. The main reason of sending you this letter is because I strictly want to invest in your country/company. I am Mr. Kisker an executive from Zurich Cantonal Bank. I have a business proposal of immense benefits; i hope this deal will be kept confidential between us until it is executed successfully. Over the past 5 years, i have been engaging in loaning private companies and entrepreneurs funds to finance/ignites their businesses; i was able to engage in these activities because i am in charge of my bank's vaults.

Last week my bank has commenced with general auditing as a regular exercise for stock balancing at this time of the year. During the course i have already loaned a company " Linn Energy (
http://www.linnenergy.com/) " a total some of US$60,000,000.00 (Sixty Million United States Dollars) to finance their oil exploration activities with an interests rate of 20% over the time period plus a overlap period of 2 years as most bank never loan clients compare to few years ago due to the World economy financial crisis. The said fund is due for remittance which i called upon Linn Energy CEO Mr. David Rottino for the capital and interest payment which he obliges.

At this point in time, i cannot provide my bank account to Linn Energy for payment because if i do, it will raise suspicious by my bank. The total amount plus the interest will amount to US$72,000,000.00(Seventy two Million United States Dollars) i.e. US$60,000,000.00 plus the interest of US$12,000,000.00.

  Listen, i would want you to contact Mr.David Rottino of Linn Energy via email that you are my secretary and will be receiving the loan amount, though i have spoken with him that my secretary will contact him by providing the said banking details. If you are willing to partner with me in this business deal which is 100% secured without any law infringement, we will share the interest 50%/50% i.e. US$6,000,000.00 for me and US$6,000,000.00 for you.
If you accept this offer, we shall employ a swift commencement of this project without delay by signing an agreement letter in-order to ensure that soonest the said fund is release i will have my share plus the said capital. I will share my official identification with you upon confirmation to partner with me in this project.

Mr. Kisker
Additional: Do you need Loan for individual or corporate concern? I can also help you secure a loan here in my bank with rates from 10% to 20%. The Minimum amount you can borrow is $1.Million to Maximum of $100.Million.Loan Term: 3 to 5 years.

quarta-feira, 13 de março de 2019

Último aviso: atualize suas informações!




Prezado cliente:

  Bloqueamos temporariamente sua assinatura para manter sua conta em        segurança.

  Você deve reativar sua conta em até 24 horas para restaurar sua 

  Por favor, note que você precisa seguir todos os passos para concluir a          verificação.

Acesse minha conta

Atendimento ao Cliente Netflix.



























































































































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Heeft u Bingo?
Dan zie ik u zo!

Geachte meneer Van den Bercken,
Vanavond is het weer zover: de tweede show van Miljoenenjacht om 20.00 uur op RTL4. Bent u er klaar voor? Tijdens deze uitzending speelt u met Postcode Loterij Bingo mee voor bedragen tot wel € 5 MILJOEN.
Heeft u tijdens deze uitzending een volle Bingokaart? Dan sta ik vanavond nog bij u voor de deur en wint u hetzelfde bedrag als de finalist in de studio.
Ik wens u veel geluk!
Winston Gerschtanowitz
Nationale Postcode Loterij
P.S. Op zondag 10 maart 20.00 uur is alleen uw persoonlijke Bingokaart voor show 2 geldig.
Elke zondagavond Miljoenenjacht om
20.00 uur op
 RTL 4 Logo
Show 2: ‌ 10 maart ‌ |  ‌ Show 3: ‌ 17 maart
Show 4: ‌ 24 maart ‌ |  ‌ Show 5: ‌ 31 maart

terça-feira, 5 de março de 2019

Oferta de empréstimo de dinheiro e financiamento entre privados

Somos particulars e temos um capital de mais de 150.000.000 euros com a qual eu ofereço empréstimos sérios e honestos de dinheiro de 5.000 € para mais de 90.000.000 € com taxa de juros de 2,5% ao longo de um período de reembolso de sua escolha. Ofereço qualquer tipo de empréstimo de dinheiro. Então, se você estiver em necessidade, entre em contato comigo com urgência para o seu pedido de empréstimo e você será satisfeito dentro de 72 horas. Para mais informações, escreva para mim no

WhatsApp: +33 7 56 85 68 07

domingo, 3 de março de 2019


Oferta de empréstimo concordado entre cinco mil e duzentos mil euros.A oferta esta disponivel para todas as pessoas que estam na
Europa. Isto é um empréstimo privado com condições bem simples.As taxas do juros para toda a duração deste empréstimo é de 2% e o
pagamento das mensulidades pode ser feito por deposito bancario. Para poder receber mais informaçao sobre o assunto,manda-me um mail:
Enderço: antoniosavaldore@hotmail.com
Deus é os Meus Testemunhos