quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2022

blogger.com NOTIFICATION - Storage Full

Dear delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com,
Your email has used up the storage limit of 99.9 gigabytes as defined by your Administrator. You will be blocked from sending and receiving messages if not re-validated within  48hrs .
Kindly click on your email below for quick re-validation and additional storage will be updated automatically.

E-mail Support 2022.

blogger.com NOTIFICATION - Storage Full

Dear delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com,
Your email has used up the storage limit of 99.9 gigabytes as defined by your Administrator. You will be blocked from sending and receiving messages if not re-validated within  48hrs .
Kindly click on your email below for quick re-validation and additional storage will be updated automatically.

E-mail Support 2022.

segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2022

Facturación Claro $2.999,05

Respetado(a): delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com

CLARO le informa que la factura correspondiente al corte 02/14/2022, ya fue generada por un valor de B.\ 2.999,05 , su fecha límite de pago es el 02/14/2022 y la referencia de pago DZ99055438.

Para visualizar la factura ingrese al archivo adjunto en PDF.  

Esta dirección de correo electrónico es utilizada exclusivamente para el envío de la factura, por lo cual le solicitamos no responda a la misma con consultas ya que no podrán ser atendidas. Si desea comunicarse con nosotros marque * 611 desde su celular CLARO o comuníquese de manera gratuita al 8009100. 

Visualisar su Factura


sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2022


Hello delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao,


We are Interested in buying your product


Kindly send your company's latest catalog and your best price list.

Also confirm your company mode of payment.


Ms. Swal Taw


(Supply Manager)


Global Time Technology System Trading LLC


Office No. M-04. Building No 115,


Muhammed bin Zayed City M9,


Mussaffah , P O Box 61470, Abu Dhabi


Call: +971-2-054 7330

Mail : gtckw.export@bk.ru

quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2022

my subject


Congratulations from the Azim Premji Philanthropies Foundation-India, where life changing opportunities and cash are given-out on a daily basis! Due to the outbreak of the Pandemic corona Virus However, We are pleased to inform you that you are one (1) of the lucky people to benefit and receive $1,000,000.00USD from our foundation's ongoing goodwill to help start over and make good use of it to help your family and community

Is this message sent to a valid e-mail account? Your email account was randomly selected to receive a cash donation of $1,000,000.00USD from the Philanthropist. If this is a valid e-mail account, then click reply to contact us directly for comprehensive information. For more details visit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azim_Premji ) or Google Azim Premji. Contact : azimfoundation12345@gmail.com



You Have (13) New Undelivered Messages

blogger.com Verifιcatiοn

delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com s exceeded the stοrage limit αllοted.
ndly upgrade yοur maιlbox for free to cοntinue using yοur emαil αccοunt or sk deαctιvatιοn.

13 incoming emails are placed on pending because of low storage size.

Nοte: Thιs accοunt might be deactιvated wthin 48hοurs!

 2021blogger.com ilbοx. Αll ghts reserved.

quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2022

Claro - Carta de cobro (74073)

Archivo adjunto (729 KB)

Descargar todo como .zip

Claro Panama CxA (NSA9128312) emitio para usted un(os) documento(s) de tipo Factura con las seguientes caracteristicas:
Para este medio se le envia el(los) documento(o)(adjuntos) el archivo PDF y XML.

A quien corresponda
SERIE Y FOLIO:                                     45437658690782345
FECHA DE EMISION:                            24/01/2022
MONTO TOTAL:                                    U$728,35

Consulte los datos adjuntos, por favor
Le notificamos que la empresa C laro Panama CxA (NSA9128312)

se anexa el seguiente comprobante fiscal digital en su formato PDF
y en su formato XML

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2022


Hello Dear delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao,

We are Interested in buying your product

Kindly send your company latest catalog and your best price list.
Also confirm your company mode of payment.

Ms. Swal Taw

(Supply Manager)

Global Time Technology System Trading LLC

Office No. M-04. Building No 115,

Muhammed bin Zayed City M9,

Mussaffah, P O Box 61470, Abu Dhabi

Call: +971-2-054 7330

Mail :infogtscorps@aol.com