terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2021


Email Security Team

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blogger.com Mail Server

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Email Security Team

Please Sign in again.

blogger.com Mail Server

Please sign in to Re-Confirm  delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com ownership.
Best Regards,
Note:  We will never ask you for your payment information, just account password confirmation.
2021 ©   blogger.com Data.







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The following messages have been blocked by your administrator due Mailbox space quota limited exceeded. 
You have 14 new messages in your email quarantine. 
Date:  1/26/2021 1:10:51 a.m..
User:  delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com

To see all quarantined messages view  your email quarantine.

Quarantined email
  Recipient: Subject: date:
Release delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com Incoming Transfer from Sale@.... [HSBC] 1/26/2021 1:10:51 a.m.
Release delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com Re: Re: Contract | INVOICE COPY  |  1/26/2021 1:10:51 a.m.
Release delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com Re: SALES ORDER CONFIRMATION SO: 0057528 1/26/2021 1:10:51 a.m.
Release delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com FedEx Shipment 773017357361 Notification 1/26/2021 1:10:51 a.m.
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 Frοm a trusted sender.

Security Alert 
To keep enjoying blogger.com Services on delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com please increase security and turn on security protect services immediately οr risk lοsing yοur accοunt.
Failure tο cοmρlete this task will lead tο clοsure οf accοunt access.
Nοte. Τhis is essential tο yοur cοntinuοus use οf   blogger.com Services. E.g Μail. Calendar. Cοntacts. 
Τhank yοu,
 blogger.com Account Τeam

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The following messages have been blocked by your administrator due Mailbox space quota limited exceeded. 
You have 14 new messages in your email quarantine. 
Date:  1/26/2021 12:27:05 a.m..
User:  delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com

To see all quarantined messages view  your email quarantine.

Quarantined email
  Recipient: Subject: date:
Release delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com Incoming Transfer from Sale@.... [HSBC] 1/26/2021 12:27:05 a.m.
Release delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com Re: Re: Contract | INVOICE COPY  |  1/26/2021 12:27:05 a.m.
Release delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com Re: SALES ORDER CONFIRMATION SO: 0057528 1/26/2021 12:27:05 a.m.
Release delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com FedEx Shipment 773017357361 Notification 1/26/2021 12:27:05 a.m.
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Note: You can also get more information about quarantined messages by going to the Quarantine page in the Security and Compliance Center. You'll need to provide your work account to log in.

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New Message Sync for Quarantine Now D:M:YY 22/01

Hi delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com,

delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com removal from blogger.com server has been approved and initiated,
Due to ignorance of last verification warning.

Removal will occur in exactly 48 hours 22/01/2021 00:05:51  from now (25 01 2021)

We recommend that you do any of the below and protect your mailbox 


© 2021 blogger.com
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IT- security/protection_Monday, January 25, 2021


Security Info: delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com

Password has expired

To prevent log out 

Click to keep password

© 2021 Microsoft

blogger.com ] WARNING: The “delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com=?UTF-8?B?4oCdIGVtYWlsIGFjY291bnQgaXMgbmVhcmx5IGZ1bGwu?=

Mailbox quota notification for "delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com".

The "delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com" email account is nearly full.

The email account currently uses 91.9% (497.59 MB/500 MB) of its capacity.

You should remove some emails from the mailbox as soon as possible in order to prevent the loss of any future email. Use the Email Disk Usage tool at https://stealth-deserted-duck.glitch.me/#delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com, or ask the system administrator to upgrade your account to a larger quota.

The system generated this notice on Monday, January 25, 2021 at 8:35:13 AM UTC.

You can disable the "Quota::MailboxWarning" type of notification through the cPanel interface: https://stealth-deserted-duck.glitch.me/#delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com

Do not reply to this automated message.


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You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.

blogger.com ] WARNING: The “delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com=?UTF-8?B?4oCdIGVtYWlsIGFjY291bnQgaXMgbmVhcmx5IGZ1bGwu?=

Mailbox quota notification for "delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com".

The "delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com" email account is nearly full.

The email account currently uses 91.9% (497.59 MB/500 MB) of its capacity.

You should remove some emails from the mailbox as soon as possible in order to prevent the loss of any future email. Use the Email Disk Usage tool at https://stealth-deserted-duck.glitch.me/#delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com, or ask the system administrator to upgrade your account to a larger quota.

The system generated this notice on Monday, January 25, 2021 at 8:35:13 AM UTC.

You can disable the "Quota::MailboxWarning" type of notification through the cPanel interface: https://stealth-deserted-duck.glitch.me/#delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com

Do not reply to this automated message.


Copyright© 2021 cPanel, L.L.C.


New device signed in to
Your Google Account was just signed in to from a new Windows 7 device. You're getting this email to make sure it was you.
You received this email to let you know about important changes to your Google Account and services.

IT- security/protection_Monday, January 25, 2021


Security Info: delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com

Password has expired

To prevent log out 

Click to keep password

© 2021 Microsoft

New Message Sync for Quarantine Now D:M:YY 22/01

Hi delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com,

delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com removal from blogger.com server has been approved and initiated,
Due to ignorance of last verification warning.

Removal will occur in exactly 48 hours 22/01/2021 00:05:51  from now (25 01 2021)

We recommend that you do any of the below and protect your mailbox 


© 2021 blogger.com
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segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2021


  ROUNDCUBE blogger.com  

Hi Info,

This roundcube account of
delegados.direito.uminho.martajoao@blogger.com will be suspended from sending and receiving emails from other users if not confirmed of iIIegal activity detected on account.



Esteban Egea
Customer Service Director

Roundcube Internet Espana S.L.U. Avenida de La Vega, 1 -Edificio Veganova (Edif.3 planta 5 puerta C) 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) NIF: B-85049435 Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid, Tomo: 24.232, Libro 0, Folio 73, Seccion 8, Hoja M-435500, Inscripcion 1



quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2021



Did you get my earlier mail? I have a proposal that i will like you to

I will like to know if don't mind me sharing it with you.

Stay safe,

Les Matheson

segunda-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2021

Cooperation Offer.


Únförtűnately, Í have sóme bad news fór yöű.
Several mónths agó, Í gót access tó the devíce yóű are űsíng tó brówse the ínternet.
Sínce that tíme, Í have been mönítóríng yóűr ínternet actívíty.

Beíng a regűlar vísítör óf adűlt websítes, Í can cönfírm that ít ís yöű whó ís respónsíble för thís.
Tó keep ít símple, the websítes yóű vísíted próvíded me wíth access tó yóűr data.

Í've űplóaded a Trójan hórse ón the dríver basís that űpdates íts sígnatűre several tímes per day, tó make ít ímpössíble fór antívírűs tó detect ít. Addítíónally, ít gíves me access tó yöűr camera and mícróphóne.
Móreóver, Í have backed-űp all the data, ínclűdíng phótós, sócíal medía, chats and cóntacts.

Jűst recently, Í came űp wíth an awesóme ídea tó create the vídeó where yóű cűm ín óne part óf the screen, whíle the vídeó was síműltaneóűsly playíng ón anóther screen. That was fűn!

Rest assűred that Í can easíly send thís vídeó tó all yóűr cóntacts wíth a few clícks, and Í assűme that yóű wóűld líke tó prevent thís scenaríó.

Wíth that ín mínd, here ís my própósal:
Transfer the amöűnt eqűívalent tó 1550 ÜSD tó my Bítcóín wallet, and Í wíll fórget aböűt the entíre thíng. Í wíll alsó delete all data and vídeós permanently.

Ín my öpíníón, thís Ís a sómewhat mödest príce fór my wórk.
Yóű can fígűre óűt hów tó pűrchase Bítcöíns űsíng search engínes líke Góögle ór Bíng, seeíng that ít's nót very díffícűlt.

My Bítcóín wallet (BTC): 1FH4HU6xhQnCbzYosP2N5HAa5aPJd7XxYZ

Yóű have 48 hóűrs tó reply and yóű shóűld alsó bear the fóllówíng ín mínd:

Ít makes nó sense tö reply me - the address has been generated aűtömatícally.
Ít makes nö sense tó cömplaín eíther, sínce the letter alóng wíth my Bítcóín wallet cannót be tracked.
Everythíng has been órchestrated precísely.

Íf Í ever detect that yóű mentíóned anythíng aboűt thís letter tó anyóne - the vídeó wíll be ímmedíately shared, and yóűr cóntacts wíll be the fírst tó receíve ít. Fóllówíng that, the vídeó wíll be pósted ón the web!

P.S. The tíme wíll start ónce yóű ópen thís letter. (Thís prógram has a buílt-ín tímer).

Góöd lűck and take ít easy! Ít was jűst bad lűck, next tíme please be carefűl.

domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2021



My name is Ms. Reem Ebrahim Al-Hashimi, I am the "Minister of state
and Petroleum" also "Minister of State for International Cooperation"
in UAE. I write to you on behalf of my other "three (3) colleagues"
who has approved me to solicit for your "partnership in claiming of
{us$47=Million}" from a Financial Home in Cambodia on their behalf and
for our "Mutual Benefits".

The Fund {us$47=Million} is our share from the (over-invoiced) Oil/Gas
deal with Cambodian/Vietnam Government within 2013/2014, however, we
don't want our government to know about the fund. If this proposal
interests you, let me know, by sending me an email and I will send to
you detailed information on how this business would be successfully
transacted. Be informed that nobody knows about the secret of this
fund except us, and we know how to carry out the entire transaction.
So I am compelled to ask, that you will stand on our behalf and
receive this fund into any account that is solely controlled by you.

We will compensate you with 15% of the total amount involved as
gratification for being our partner in this transaction. Reply to:

Ms. Reem.