quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2020

Education, Innovation, and Learning Technologies

Education, Innovation, and Learning Technologies

4th International Conference on Education, Innovation, and Learning Technologies 

20-23 APRIL 

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is with great pleasure that I am presenting the 4th International Conference on Education, Innovation, and Learning Technologies (ICEILT-4) (www.iceilt-4.com) that will be held on a FULLY VIRTUAL BASIS on April 20th-23rd, 2021.



O Programa Científico está aberto à submissão de resumos que retratam experiências de aprendizagem durante e após a pandemia Covid-19, ciência, tecnologia e inovação na educação, software educacional, entre outros tópicos importantes na área da educação.

Para enviar seus resumos, deverá primeiro registar-se na área de registo (www.iceilt-4.com/registration) e em seguida preencher o formulário de registo.

  • Ganhe vantagem em concursos.
  • Possibilidade de publicação em revistas nacionais e internacionais.
  • Melhore o seu CV.
  • Certificado de participação e livro de resumos."

The Scientific Program is open to include abstracts dealing with learning experiences during and after Covid-19 pandemic, science, technology and innovation in education, educational software among other hot topics in the field.

In order to submit your abstracts, firstly you must register at Registration (www.iceilt-4.com/registration.html) and next fill in the registration form.

  • Earn points for your competitions.
  • Possibility of publication in national or international magazines.
  • Improve your CV.
  • Certificate of participation and abstract book.

For any further information regarding the Conference, topics, scientific sessions, etc... please visit the Conference's website www.iceilt-4.com or submit your inquiries to info@iceilt-4.com

Looking forward to counting on you in the Conference, with the warmest regards,

Dr. Antonio Macias-García

University of Extremadura - Spain



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© 2020 Scienceknow International Conferences

C\ Jacinta García Hernández, 13 A, 


Badajoz, Spain.

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