Incumbe-me a Senhora Secretária de Escola, Dr.ª Sandra Amorim, de reencaminhar o e-mail abaixo.
Cordiais saudações,
Thays Cunha
De: reitoria-sec-prt-cm
Enviada: segunda-feira, 21 de Março de 2016 12:45
Assunto: Open Call for Students from University of Minho: 20th ASEF Summer University through China, Mongolia and Russian Federation
Caros(as) Secretários(as) de Escolas/Institutos
Por indicação da Srª Pró-Reitora para a Internacionalização do Ensino, Profª Carla Martins, junto remeto para conhecimento informação distribuída pela ASEF - Asia-Europe Foundation.
Solicita-se que a informação seja amplamente divulgada pelos estudantes.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
Arminda Magalhães Fernandes
Gabinete da Pró-Reitora para a Internacionalização do Ensino
Profª Carla Martins
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar, CP2 - 2º Piso
4710-057 Braga
Tel.: + 351 253 601 118
From: Leonie NAGARAJAN []
Sent: 17 de março de 2016 13:27
Cc:;; Maneeha CHOWDHURY <>
Subject: Open Call for Students from University of Minho: 20th ASEF Summer University through China, Mongolia and Russian Federation
Dear Professor Cunha,
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) has been organising bi-regional projects in the fields of student mobility and higher education cooperation since 1997. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the ASEF Summer University Programme, ASEF will organise a 2-week educational train journey for students and young professionals on the topic "Gateways to Asia and Europe: Connectivity by Land, Sea and Air" in August/September through China, Mongolia and the Russian Federation.
We believe that this project would be a great opportunity for students and alumni from your university and warmly invite them to apply through the Open Call for Application. The deadline is Tuesday, 5 April 2016, 23:59 GMT.
ASEF would highly appreciate it if the university office responsible for international relations and student liaison could kindly disseminate this Open Call to your student and alumni networks. Please find further information in the attached documents and the Open Call announcement for e-circulation below.
We would be happy to welcome a student from your university at the 20th ASEF Summer University and thank you in advance for your support,
Warm regards,
Leonie Nagarajan
Leonie NAGARAJAN (Ms) | Director, Education Department | Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119595
T: (+65) 6874 9711 | F: (+65) 6872 1135 | E: | W:
ASEF is a not-for-profit, intergovernmental organisation which strengthens relations between Asia and Europe.Stay in touch through our monthly newsletter
Get on board for a funded, experience-intensive journey through China, Mongolia and the Russian Federation!
The 20th ASEF Summer University (ASEFSU20) is for those who are hungry to explore the role of transportation and trade in connecting Asia and Europe – in the past, present and future. Be part of the Asia-Europe team of young professionals and students who will travel together for 2 weeks across 3 countries under the theme "Gateways of Asia and Europe: Connectivity by Land, Sea & Air".
In conjunction with the 20th Anniversary of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process, ASEFSU20 explores the concept of "Connectivity" between Asia and Europe from 3 lenses: Human Connectivity, Trade and Economic Cooperation, and Transport. ASEFSU20 leverages on the accelerating social and economic linkages between the 2 dynamic continents.
The journey passes through emerging economic corridors in these 3 countries where you will meet and learn from local communities as well as take upon real-scenario challenges on road, rail, maritime and air transportation. ASEFSU20 brings the participants together with government officials, businesses, academia and the civil society, and offers a top-tier environment for professional and personal development.
Experience first-hand Asia-Europe connectivity on the go!
ASEFSU20 is your opportunity to apply your skills and add-on a once-in-a-lifetime educational expedition!
2 weeks between 15 August to 5 September 2016 (final dates subject to minor changes)
Beijing (China), Harbin (China), Vladivostok (Russian Federation), Chita (Russian Federation), Irkutsk (Russian Federation) and Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)
here by Tuesday, 5 April 2016, 23:59 GMT.
Accommodation, meals and travel subsidy will be provided for the selected participants.
Thank you for sharing this Open Call with your friends and networks.
For further information, check out the FAQ and the latest updates on ASEFEdu Facebook page. More questions spinning in your mind? Drop us an email at: asefsu@asef.orgAsia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119595
T: (+65) 6874 9700 | F: (+65) 6872 1135 | W:
ASEF is a not-for-profit, intergovernmental organisation which strengthens relations between Asia and Europe.Stay in touch through our monthly newsletter.
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